Aboriginal Spirituality: Interview with an Australian Aboriginal senior man


Michael Williams gives an insight into the depth and richness of Aboriginal spirituality, estimated by some researchers to span 125,000 years. Aboriginal spirituality is based on an ancient cultural belief that life is a vast web of inter-connected relationships. Everything has meaning and purpose and everything is connected – the land, the people, the ancestors and the animals. The past is viewed as being inextricably linked to the present and throughout time the over riding spiritual value has been respect for Aboriginal cultural law.

What do you consider to be the most important aspects of Aboriginal spirituality?
Following your Law.  Don’t break Law.  Respecting all things, animate and inanimate in the entire natural world.

How do Aboriginal perceptions of spirituality differ from western interpretations?
A profound connectedness to land.  Living on your land is essential to maintaining the strongest possible links with land and ensuring proper practice of Aboriginal spiritual life.

What do you think is the biggest misconception about Aboriginal spirituality?
People try to make sense of it from their own perspective [spiritual] and do not often open themselves up to knowing it from the inside.  This is not unusual or surprising.  This is an ancient spirituality embedded in a culture that is acknowledged as being the longest continuously surviving culture in the entire world.  By the time the British and others arrived on Australian shores they had long-established behaviours relating to Indigenous cultures. With this entrenched behaviour, coupled with Christianity and Missionary zealousness, there was little chance of Aboriginal spirituality being assessed from a standpoint of respect and a desire to understand it on its own terms.

Is Aboriginal spirituality today different from what it was in the past, how has it changed (or not)?
The spirit has not changed. The Law lies in the land and the spirits of our ancestors have continued to inhabit the landscape during ancient times, during periods of colonisation and after our peoples have been removed from their lands.  Human engagement with Aboriginal spirituality is now challenged by the intervention of other spiritual and religious beliefs and doctrines, as well as the demands of a world filled with technology that infiltrates every corner of human existence.  It is now increasingly hard, except for the committed individual, to stay true to the old ways.  Moving in and out of vastly different domains requires discipline of a high order, but many do so by staying on Land.

What lessons can us ‘white folk’ learn from Aboriginal spirituality?
Simply be. Respectful attention to a commitment to a spiritual path will bring what is meant to be.  Don’t have expectations.  If it is meant to come your way – it will.  Stay on task.  The spiritual domain and practices of the longest continuously surviving culture in the world must have something to offer humanity.  Limit the overlay of other spiritual traditions and try to let Aboriginal ways stand for themselves.

What have been the most important spiritual lessons you have learnt as an Aboriginal man?
Never doubt the presence of spirit and the ability of old ones who have passed to be there for you.  Ask and they will come and ‘show’ themselves in some way.  The land is alive with the spirits and presence of our ancestors and creation heroes.

What works best for you/what do you do when you need some spiritual upliftment?
Go to my Homeland – visit my traditional lands. I engage with my old ones every day and ask for their guidance.

In your 30 years of university teaching, were there any spiritual (or other) changes you noticed in students undertaking Aboriginal studies?
Students have always been interested in Aboriginal spirituality. There are two issues to consider here.  Most students who choose to take a course in Aboriginal studies are already interested in all matters regarding Aboriginal culture and are thirsting for knowledge.  Then there are students who are required to take courses in Aboriginal culture as part of their degree and sometimes these students are resistant to the content raised in these courses. In my experience, the vast majority of students who showed some resistance at first end up thoroughly enjoying the course and go on to take other Aboriginal studies  courses as electives.

From all your years of experience, what spiritual advice would you pass on to others?
Never doubt the existence of spirit and of a Creator – however you may wish to term it.  Spend time regularly [daily] pondering the importance of a spiritual approach to life and take time to care for others and all things.  Respect Planet Earth and the Universe.

Where do you see (or hope to see) Aboriginal spirituality heading in the future?
It is here, always has been here and remains.  The spirit never leaves the land.  People leave the land.  In my experience the spirit presence in my traditional homeland has become more overt since my mother died and there has not been anyone living there permanently.  I notice them when I visit.  It demands that I establish a more active presence there.

Michael Williams:  Australian Aboriginal senior man

Michael Williams was born into the Goorang Goorang peoples of the South East Queensland area.  He has had a long career in public life, mainly in the tertiary education sector, and has recently retired as Director of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit at the University of Queensland after almost 20 years.  He is currently working independently as a consultant and holds an honorary position as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Social Science at the University of Queensland where he continues his research interests.  He is also a long serving member of the Council of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) in Canberra.

Michael has maintained a strong interest in the cultural and spiritual life of his people throughout his life, from spending hours listening to stories as a child through to his continuing interest as an adult in researching family history with his nuclear and extended families. This research has led him (at the age of 50) to being accepted into Aboriginal Law/Lore in the Central Desert region of Australia where he follows ceremonial and cultural life through several annual visits.

Source: http://spiritualspace.com.au/aboriginal-spirituality/

Spiritual space magazine is new from Brisbane.

The Discovery doctrine

The Discovery doctrine is a concept of public international law expounded by the United States Supreme Court in a series of decisions, most notably Johnson v. M’Intosh in 1823. Chief Justice John Marshall justified the way in which colonial powers laid claim to lands belonging to sovereign indigenous nations during the Age of Discovery. Under it, title to lands lay with the government whose subjects explored and occupied a territory whose inhabitants were not subjects of a European Christian monarch. The doctrine has been primarily used to support decisions invalidating or ignoring aboriginal possession of land in favor of colonial or post-colonial governments.
The 1823 case was the result of collusive lawsuits where land speculators worked together to make claims to achieve a desired result.[1][2] John Marshall explained the Court’s reasoning. The supposedly inferior character of native cultures was a reason for the doctrine having been used.

1 Colonial history
2 United States law
3 See also
4 References

Colonial history

The origins of the doctrine can be traced to Pope Nicholas V’s issuance of the papal bull Romanus Pontifex in 1452. The bull allowed Portugal to claim and conquer lands in West Africa. Pope Alexander VI extended to Spain the right to conquer newly-found lands in 1493, with the papal bull Inter caetera, after Christopher Columbus had already begun doing so. Arguments between Portugal and Spain led to the Treaty of Tordesillas which clarified that only non-Christian lands could thus be taken, as well as drawing a line of demarcation to allocate potential discoveries between the two powers.[3]
[United States law

According to the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Johnson v. M’Intosh, this theory of Christian expansion and possession of newly discovered lands, despite native presence, was one by which all colonial powers operated. Chief Justice Marshall, writing the decision, held that the United Kingdom had taken title to the lands which constituted the United States when the British discovered them. Marshall pointed to the exploration charters given to John Cabot as proof that the British had operated under the doctrine.[3] The tribes which occupied the land were, at the moment of discovery, no longer completely sovereign and had no property rights but rather merely held a right of occupancy. Further, only the discovering nation or its successor could take possession of the land from the natives by conquest or purchase. Natives could not sell the land to private citizens but only to the discovering government.[citation needed]
The doctrine was used in numerous other cases as well. With Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, it supported the concept that tribes were not independent states but “domestic dependent nations”.[3] The decisions in Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe and Duro v. Reina used the doctrine to prohibit tribes from criminally prosecuting first non-Indians, then Indians who weren’t a member of the prosecuting tribe.[4]

See also

Aboriginal title
Terra nullius

^ How the Indians Lost Their Land: Law and Power on the Frontier Stuart Banner, 2005, pg 171-2
^ The Dark Side of Efficiency: Johnson v. M’Intosh and the Expropriation of American Indian Lands, Eric Kades, 148 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1065 2000, pg 148
^ a b c Newcomb, Steve (Fall 1992). “Five Hundred Years of Injustice”. Shaman’s Drum: 18–20. Retrieved 2007-01-10.
^ Robertson, Lindsay G. (June 2001). “Native Americans and the Law: Native Americans Under Current United States Law”. Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project. The University of Oklahoma Law Center. Retrieved 2007-01-10.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Supreme_Court



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I Am Committed to Becoming Fully Enlightened

From DREAMTIME – Parables of Universal Law from Down Under

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The Universal Peace Covenant

Peace is the breath of our spirit.
It wells up from within the depths of our being to refresh, to heal, to inspire.

Peace is our birthright.
Its eternal presence exists within us as a memory of where we have come from and as a vision of where we yearn to go.

Our world is in the midst of change.
For millennia, we have contemplated, reasoned, and practiced the idea of peace. Yet the capacity to sustain peace eludes us. To transcend the limits of our own thinking we must acknowledge that peace is more than the cessation of conflict. For peace to move across the face of the earth we must realize, as the great philosophers and leaders before us, that all people desire peace. We hereby acknowledge this truth that is universal. Now humanity must desire those things that make for peace.

We affirm that peace is an idea whose time has come.
We call upon humanity to stand united, responding to the need for peace. We call upon each individual to create and foster a personal vision for peace. We call upon each family to generate and nurture peace within the home. We call upon each nation to encourage and support peace among its citizens. We call upon each leader, be they in the private home, house of worship or place of labor, to be a living example of peace for only in this way can we expect peace to move across the face of the earth.

World Peace begins within ourselves.
Arising from the spirit peace seeks expression through the mind, heart, and body of each individual. Government and laws cannot heal the heart. We must transcend whatever separates us. Through giving love and respect, dignity and comfort, we come to know peace. We learn to love our neighbors as we love ourselves bringing peace into the world. We hereby commit ourselves to this noble endeavor.

Peace is first a state of mind.
Peace affords the greatest opportunity for growth and learning which leads to personal happiness. Self-direction promotes inner peace and therefore leads to outer peace. We vow to heal ourselves through forgiveness, gratitude, and prayer. We commit to causing each and every day to be a fulfillment of our potential, both human and divine.

Peace is active, the motion of silence, of faith, of accord, of service.
It is not made in documents but in the minds and hearts of men and women. Peace is built through communication. The open exchange of ideas is necessary for discovery, for well-being, for growth, for progress whether within one person or among many. We vow to speak with sagacity, listen with equanimity, both free of prejudice, thus we will come to know that peace is liberty in tranquility.

Peace is achieved by those who fulfill their part of a greater plan.
Peace and security are attained by those societies where the individuals work closely to serve the common good of the whole. Peaceful coexistence between nations is the reflection of man’s inner tranquility magnified. Enlightened service to our fellowman brings peace to the one serving, and to the one receiving. We vow to live in peace by embracing truths that apply to us all.

Living peaceably begins by thinking peacefully.
We stand on the threshold of peace-filled understanding. We come together, all of humanity, young and old of all cultures from all nations. We vow to stand together as citizens of the Earth knowing that every question has an answer, every issue a resolution. As we stand, united in common purpose, we hereby commit ourselves in thought and action so we might know the power of peace in our lifetimes.

Peace be with us all ways. May Peace Prevail On Earth.

signed this 8th day of October, 1997, at the College of Metaphysics

Dr. Barbara Condron  Dr. Daniel Condron 
Dr. Laurel Clark  Dr. Pam Blosser 
Dr. Sheila Benjamin  Dr. Al Rohrer  Paul Blosser  Melanie McManus  Linda Yeingst  Ernie Padilla  Teresa Padilla  Terry Martin  Christine Andrews  Sharka Glet  Jay McCormick  Greg Hoeflicker  Lisa Kinser  John Clark  Patrick Andries 
Damian Nordmann  Mari Hamersley  Terryll Nemeth  Paul Madar  Oliver Seger  Lyle Branson 
John Harrison  Karen Low  Traci Byington 
Shannon Cordes
Created in 1997 by faculty & students of the School of Metaphysics

Please join people from around the world in reading the covenant on
JULY 26th

at 6pm UT

as we join as


“For peace to move across the face of the earth” send the Universal Peace Covenant to everyone you know.

Share it with your loved ones,








The Peace Dome is located on the campus of the College of Metaphysics. Both are expressions of the ideal of the School of Metaphysics, a not-for-profit educational institute dedicated to aiding any individual to be a whole, functioning Self for the purpose of accelerating the evolution of humanity. All material on this site is copyrighted by SOM. Much of the information may be reprinted or reproduced to help share what is available. We merely ask that you note where the information originated so people can easily find us. May peace be with us all ways. May peace prevail on Earth.

Source: http://www.peacedome.org/UniversalPeaceCovenant/UPCinLanguages/UPC_English.html

Every time Bilderberg orders war, the guns begin to shoot.

Globalists Call For ‘Big War’
James P. Tucker Jr
American Free Press
Friday, June 17, 2011

Article follwed by an interesting discussion in progress.

ST. MORITZ, Switzerland—The secret globalist group “Bilderberg” called for a big war by expanding the turmoil in Libya into a full-scale conflict involving the entire Middle East except for Israel. This is a grim and bloody outlook, because, historically, every time Bilderberg orders war, the guns begin to shoot. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush followed orders and attacked Iraq in Persian Gulf War I. He lost to peace candidate Bill Clinton, who followed orders and invaded Yugoslavia.

The list is endless: Every war dating back to and including World War II has been ordered by Bilderberg. Although they did not start calling themselves Bilderberg until 1954, Rockefeller and Rothschild cronies had the ear of President Franklin Roosevelt when the White House baited the Japanese into conducting a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941.

Similarly, President Harry Truman was pressured into going to war in Korea, and then Lyndon Johnson involved the U.S. in Vietnam.
Johnson seemed to enjoy cruelty. The same draft law used in World War II had been revived in 1946, making all able-bodied men aged 18-38 eligible for combat. A college student could finish his degree but must then report for duty. As a matter of policy, LBJ said students could finish their entire education, including postgraduate work, before reporting. And no one older than 27 would be drafted. 

The result: Dick Cheney and others avoided service by remaining in college until the age of 27. So the body bags were mostly filled by young boys with no more than a high school education.
“It will have to be a big war involving several countries to advance our goals of a global economy,” said Keith Alexander, director of the U.S. National Security Agency. “But the pressure to end the war in Libya is non-stop, mostly because of that damn Kucinich.” He was referring to Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), whose bill to end the invasion of Libya was defeated just before Congress adjourned for a week on June 3.

“But look at all the votes [148] he got,” Alexander said. “This is dangerous. Congress may cut or even eliminate war funding, and our soldiers are not even fighting.”

Bilderberg’s goal of expanding the turmoil surrounding the invasion of Libya into a huge bloodletting in the Mideast will be helped, they say, by their plan to maintain the global recession through 2012.
“The recession may keep coverage [of Bilderberg] down,” said John Kerr, a member of the British House of Lords and deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell. “Europe has many independent papers, but they go low-budget. We have made calls to Rupert Murdoch, still our good friend,” he said of the world’s largest owner of newspapers.

Kerr and the others were to be bitterly disappointed when confronted by angry crowds as their helicopters landed at the resort on Thursday, June 9. Most had planned to arrive Wednesday afternoon, after leaving their “cover meeting” of NATO countries in Brussels, Belgium. But frequent, heavy rains kept the copters grounded. Bilderberg traditionally has a “cover meeting” so, for example, outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates can attend a NATO session and slip, unnoticed, into the Bilderberg meeting. Gates addressed Bilderberg on Friday, June 10.

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Gates had said the same things to the NATO crowd he later said at Bilderberg, calling for more aerial combat actions by allies even as the United States confines itself to a backup role. Gates called for more effort by the Netherlands, Spain and Turkey and urged Germany and Poland to join the war.
Gates’s hour-long speech at Bilderberg was mentioned by The Financial Times. His audience, however, was described only as a “gathering of dignitaries.” He said the European NATO members face “the very real possibility of collective military irrelevance” as a superpower unless they contribute more money and troops.

Washington has frequently requested, “with exasperation,” that European NATO countries meet the alliance’s benchmarks for defense spending, Gates said and called the situation in the current campaign in Libya “unacceptable.” He said “the blunt reality is there will be dwindling appetite and patience in the U.S. Congress—and in the American body politic—to expend increasingly precious funds on behalf of nations that are apparently unwilling to devote the necessary resources to make the necessary changes to be serious and capable partners in their own defense.”

NATO has degenerated into a “two-tiered” alliance with the United States and a small group of European allies doing the tough jobs while others benefit from NATO’s protection without bearing a fair share of costs and risks, Gates said. “This is no longer a hypothetical worry,” Gates said in one of the harshest speeches ever delivered at Bilderberg.

When Bill Clinton, a Bilderberg attendee, was president, NATO became the UN’s standing army, operating anywhere in the world on the orders of the Security Council. Under the UN, NATO invaded Yugoslavia. Under its charter, NATO is a defensive army only. But the first weapon fired in anger was an offensive war under direction of the UN.

Bilderberg has forgiven Barack Obama for hesitancy about what is now “his war.” They understand the political delicacy in Washington but, as one said, “he’s a good soldier and he’ll follow orders.”
Obama was praised for doing Bilderberg errands on his visit to a summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Hawaii. A major Bilderberg goal of establishing a world government is to create an Asian-Pacific Union following an American Union, both patterned after the European Union superstate. Even as Bilderberg gathered, OPEC nations were following orders to keep oil prices pumped up to assist the goal of raising U.S. prices to $7 a gallon. While making clucking sounds about holding down prices, OPEC allowed a slight, momentary dip as a public relations gesture.

But Saudi Arabia maintains 3 million barrels a day of spare capacity. This did not fool Frank Verrastro, director of the energy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, which is traditionally a Bilderberg collaborator.

“I think there’s going to be a lot of theatrics, but beyond that I don’t think it affects the outcome,” Verrastro said. “If OPEC becomes less cohesive, that means each country goes its own way on production.”
“All these countries need money,” said Fadel Ghett, oil analyst at Oppenheimer & Co. “They will produce as much as they can get away with without destroying demand.”

The French agreed in principle to subscribe to new issues of Greek sovereign debt to replace maturing bonds if all creditors do the same. The move could provide a way forward for involving private creditors in a Greek rescue program. But it falls short of a German demand for them to agree voluntarily on an extension of bond maturities. The French proposal echoes the thinking of the European Central Bank, which claims that a rollover of Greek debt, rather than a “reprofiling” with extended maturities, would be a good way for private creditors to be involved in a new deal. French banks are among Greece’s largest creditors.

But the German government reaffirmed its determination to persuade bondholders to contribute more to a rescue. They called for a seven-year voluntary extension of maturities.
Jean-Claude Trichit, president of the European Central Bank, told fellow Bilderbergers that Europe needs a “Eurozone treasury secretary” with independent authority over all EU banks to avoid further crises like those of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. There is no time, when a crisis erupts, for the nations to come to a voluntary agreement, he said, because such a treasury department would have to act swiftly and with authority to impose bailout actions.

There was modest attention to China and Japan, relative newcomers to Bilderberg. In response to the explosions in Japan’s nuclear power plants, there was talk of imposing global rules on safety inspections. On China, there was talk of enjoying huge profits by bringing materials from slave-wage countries in Africa to be made into finished products by Chinese labor (itself relatively cheap).The finished product would be sold in the United States, where unemployment rates unofficially exceed 15 percent.

Craig Mundi, a Microsoft executive, complained about China establishing rules that favor building electronic gadgets at home and selling them without foreign competition. Another who Bilderberg tried to hide by keeping his name off its “official list” was Bill Gates, a self-made billionaire computer nerd who founded Microsoft.

 Remember me


the nations of these regions will not cooperate, and are wasting their resources in the meantime. this is why they are a threat to globalism, and why they are being invaded and taken over. they will be made to mature, or will be destroyed in the process.

once there are strong enough footholds in the middle east, expect the nwo to focus heavily on pakistan, and trickle ever further south into africa. most of the rest of the world has taken their place at the big boy table, that’s why these slow learners are being targeted so heavily. they are in the way of progress.

jeff Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 1:49 pm

NWO Shill – God, I can’t believe your comments, and how much I totally disagree with them.

everyone has always known this was eventually going to happen. look at the middle east, what do you have? two religions, equally stupid and vicious, warring over valuable real estate.

Response – Really? I didn’t know this was going to happen. Also, what is your religion that is so smart and non-vicious? Also, who do they war with that isn’t backed by some country that wants to influence the region? Next

the nations of these regions will not cooperate, and are wasting their resources in the meantime. this is why they are a threat to globalism, and why they are being invaded and taken over. they will be made to mature, or will be destroyed in the process.

Response – Who won’t they cooperate with? Aren’t they and haven’t they been selling their resources to us and other countries? Also, who gives a shit if they are a threat to globalism? I sure don’t! Also, they will be made to mature? or be destroyed? Are you kidding me? Next

once there are strong enough footholds in the middle east, expect the nwo to focus heavily on pakistan, and trickle ever further south into africa. most of the rest of the world has taken their place at the big boy table, that’s why these slow learners are being targeted so heavily. they are in the way of progress.

Response – If you personally want “progress” and are such a “fast learner”, why don’t you let everyone on this forum know when you are shipping out to go over there and kick their asses. I want to know (with daily updates) where your unit is stationed and also how many of these “little boys” you have killed the day before. I also want to know how you wake up every morning, getting a chill up your leg, just thinking about your first kill of the day. Otherwise – Go Fuck Yourself!

BiGpharmakillZ Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 3:14 pm

I agree jeff. NWOshill is just that. He loves genocide, and doesn’t care who has to die, as long as it isn’t him.

A pathetic excuse for a human being like all the rest of them.

jeff Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 5:06 pm

Bigpharma – Thanks for the support. It’s nice to know there are REAL HUMAN BEINGS ON THIS PLANET.

I truly do love this world and its people. These people in the middle east are real human beings. They may have problems, but who doesn’t? If NWO Shill doesn’t respect them “playing with the big boys” then I have an alternative idea – kick them out of the UN. Personally, I wish they would kick us out. I didn’t vote for them! I DON”T LIKE THEM. THEY SUCK.

Has anyone even noticed that they have ASSUMED POWER OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD? SCREW THEM! TOTALLY!

Anyone in this country who aligns themselves with these people had better understand ONE THING. YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN PERIL! There will be a day of redemption, and it won’t be pretty. FOR YOU OR YOUR FAMILY!

I grew up when this was a great country. I’m not willing to give that up, OK? If you want to kill me, then GO AHEAD! I’m ready and not afraid to die. You son-of-a bitches are KILLING the future for my little girl and……..FUCK YOU ALL……if that’s what you have PLANNED. I’m tired of it!

NWO Shill Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 6:26 pm

everyone has always known the middle east would boil over. my religion is the only smart religion- no religion. also, i’m confused… do you people believe israel pulls america’s strings, or vice versa? i can’t get a clear answer.

the people of that region won’t cooperate with each other, and for the stupidest possible reason. they are concerned with the final destination of each other’s souls, so they decide to kill each other. you don’t see that as base and immature thinking? and in wasting their resources, i mean they keep car bombing each other, blowing up property, setting oil fields ablaze, etc., for what? to demonstrate their piety? we don’t cut babies from the bellies of infidels in public squares, here in the civilized world.

the reason you should give a shit whether or not they are a threat to globalism is that we have a global economy. everyone is so afraid of a one world government, but rarely realize that the governments of the world are all completely at the mercy of the global economy. if opec dumps the dollar, the us is completely fucked.

i don’t covet death or genocide. i just want humans to unify, and reach their full potential, and i believe that those people who would deny this vision from their future generations have had enough time be selfish and myopic, have wasted enough time and resources, and must not be allowed to continue down this path.

stop giving their bullshit religions any credibilty,
and judge them by their actions, out of the context of the beliefs they hold.

you are all so quick to blame your “oppressors,” and so slow to make realistic, pragmatic, objective, critical, rational observations of the world around you.

FAUL McCartney Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:46 pm

@SHILL- You mean one wants to Save Souls, and one wants to $ell souls.. and one wants to Annihilate those that $ell souls,… 3 sides to every pyramid,, right?

jeff Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:50 pm

NWO Shill – I want to answer you.

The first thing I want to say is that I respect your opinion and that as a human being, I truly love you. Don’t get me wrong, I can disagree with you and still respect you at the same time.

As far as Israel pulling our strings, I believe that someone is pulling our strings. That seems perfectly clear. If it is Zionists or Martians, does it really matter? The fact of the matter is, shouldn’t we be pulling our own strings?

I am concerned with my soul, as you say. I don’t think that is immature thinking.

The idea that they are setting off car bombs or setting oil fields ablaze might have to do with being occupied. A lot like the TSA is starting to do in this country.

I have to say – your response is TRULY informed and very intelligent. I also feel that it is well thought out and emotional (in a good way).

When you talk about globalism, I have a real problem with that. I do not believe in it on the basic level, and that is because we as human beings are different culturally, spiritually, and economically. I’m not afraid if OPEC does whatever they want. Truly, I’m not afraid of much of anything. Anything that anyone does on this planet causes a reaction -it’s just a matter of seeing it and responding to it as best as one can.

We are being driven by fear into this one world government. That is not the only way. But we are being led to believe that that is the truth. Look at the truth. This paradigm of a one world government has totally fucked up EVERYTHING. These are the same people that everyone wants to hand the world over to. Are you kidding me?

And lastly – I agree with you – I want to make pragmatic, objective, and rational observations about the world around me.

I also believe that I want a government that is representative of the people, like our government used to be. If there is to be a WORLD GOVERNMENT, then fine, let it adopt the United States Constitution as its charter. How could anyone argue with this position. If we are truly about spreading democracy around the world, is there any other answer?

It also means though, that we are THE SHINING BEACON ON THE HILL. In other words, no more TSA or Patriot Act or Homeland Security. No oppression of American citizens………The End

Seal Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:55 pm

YOU have eyes,..but cannot see;EARS have you but yet you cannot see; A heart made of stone and lacking discernment;Hateing instruction, a lover of death are you satan.

Damn your eyes shill, may God Allmighty damn your eyes!

You deny the great ancestor’s messages through God-Allmighty’s Holy Prophets, Holy Scriptures, but then alikened to despotist, you hate all instruction, all acts of kindness.

You who strain a gnat and swallow the whole camel! Bastard, godless abomination, defecation and a menstrous rag are ye, to humanity;You never had it!

Mercy & love are far greater than all treasures, You are a lover of death, and a lover of your-own self-death. Your miserable corner in hell(Limbo) will be dark & lonely.

doberman21 Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:57 pm

NWO, actually I agree w/part of what you said in the 1st post.

Afterall, let us all remember christianity & islam both came from the same animal (in this case, THE SERPENT)… or the HEBREW RELIGION… which said it was okay to rape, pillage, steal, ENSLAVE & commit mass genocide on any population that had something they wanted: LAND, etc…. that is: anyone who was did not descended from JACOB (which coincidentally in Hebrew means SUPPLANTER & transliterated means “deceiver”).

But that’s about where it stops.


The Global “unification” eutopic dreamers envision can never happen… at least not without a messianic leader. How ironic that even siblings & neighbors can’t get along, yet marxists think we can BUILD EUTOPIA THROUGH A GLOBAL GOVT.!

Evidently ZIONIST PROPAGANDA has “dreamers” so fooled they fail to notice reality… EUTOPIA CAN ONLY BE CREATED W/BRUTE FORCE (or in this case a global police force. How do you expect different cultures w/opposing religious values to get along?

What’s Eutopia to the few ZIONIST BANKERS that control everything… will be hell for the subjects they rule. Just look to the 100 million + that died under COMMUNIST EUTOPIA… AS A RESULT OF LENIN, TROTSKY & STALIN.

Instead of saying NWO shill, just use ZIONIST shill, because it’s pretty evident to me where your “ideas” came from.

BTW: You must be aware where the Supreme of Humanity (who will make legal decisions for all of mankind under your globalist eutopa) will be located, right?

Ben Gurion (Israel’s marxist founder) explained in perfectly in his 1962 interview w/Life Magazine:

“With the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian State, all other continents will become UNITED IN A WORLD ALLIANCE at whose disposal will be an INTERNATIONAL POLICE FORCE. ALL ARMIES WILL BE ABOLISHED and there will be NO MORE WARS. IN JERUSALEM, THE UNITED NATIONS WILL BUILD A SHRINE TO THE PROPHETS to serve the federated union of all continents; THIS WILL BE THE SEAT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF MANKIND, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah…

Interesting it will be JERUSALEM… Didn’t some prophets predict the JEWISH ANTI-MESSIAH would make decisions from Israel?

I feel very comfortable knowing that ROTHCHILD BUILT & DONATED that building Gurion spoke about…

NWO Shill Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:40 pm


“Go Fuck Yourself!”

“I respect your opinion and that as a human being, I truly love you.”

“There will be a day of redemption, and it won’t be pretty. FOR YOU OR YOUR FAMILY”

“I truly do love this world and its people”



NWO Shill Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:46 pm



“you keep using that word. i don’t think it means what you think it means.”

-inigo montoya

at least give me this- instead of just preaching to the choir, i’m attempting to make others question their own viewpoints, instead of reinforcing them, whether it ultimately strengthens their convictions or changes their minds, i am putting forth a challenge that is not as easy as using your peers to echo your own beliefs. i am not a zionist, p.s. (see above posts).

FAUL McCartney Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:43 pm

Jeff,Nwoshill AND bigpharma,,are trolls.. do not trust neither. they are from the same cloth

jeff Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:09 pm

If you think I am a shill, then I have little hope for you.

jeff Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:17 pm

Also as I wrote below. You are truly an idiot.

NWO Shill Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:41 pm


emus Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 5:56 pm

There is absolutely no case against Libya. It’s based on organized propaganda campaign by the Zionist media. Obama is not to blame. he is a powerless man. he just follows orders from his Zionist masters. people who are leading a holocaust of Muslims worldwide right now wants democracy in Muslim world?

doberman21 Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:16 pm

Emus, you have too much faith in fairytales about US presidents. They are VERY MUCH TO BLAME… especially Bama (& the Bushies)… they’ve all WILLING SOLD THEMSELVES TO ZIONISTS.

In this case, Bama was raised to be ZIONIST BROWN NOSER by his skank whore mother-cum-CIA operative. From birth, he was dedicated & indoctrinated into ZIONISM/MARXISM. He serves his masters very well & has been rewarded for his loyalty.

Bama is commonly known all over DC as being a fag, as well as a crack addict. He & Rahmbo (the ballerina-dual-Israeli citizen) are FAR MORE THAN FRIENDS… & both have memberships at a Chicago gay gentlemen’s club. Bama’s lover from Trinity (whom he “hooked” up w/thru Wright’s “Down Low Club”) was murdered (execution style) during the 07/08 campaign & even the victim’s family & friends say Bama & the Dem party were behind the murder… Bama also used male prostitutes while campaigning for president… & one came out in a press conference to say not only did he & Bama “give each other pleasure” in the campaign limo… but Bama couldn’t put down the crack pipe while enjoying a white male sucking his mulatto cock.

Bama is anything but a muslim…. or a friend to Islam. His master is ZIONISM. That is GLOBAL ZIONISM, not Israeli nationalistic/Zionism. There is a huge difference.

Israel is just the “stepping stone” or what you could call a patsy… created by & used by THE INTERNATIONAL ZIONIST BANKERS to foment war & the need for world disarmament… to get the world to accept the need for GLOBAL GOVT. CONTROLLED BY INTERNATIONAL ZIONIST BANKERS (i.e. “fake jews).

Bama forged his pact WITH THE SERPENT!

truthistruth Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:32 pm

oh aren’t we special…first of all everyone is religious. its basically a world view…so you are saying that your religious belief is superior to everyone elses….how narcissistic of you…i might remind you that the greatest number of lives taken in wars and conflicts has been by the religion of atheism…you see if atheism is right then might is right and moral codes are quaintly outdated….atheists want the benefits of there not being a God but not the constraints…oh and by the way, if we are strictly following logic then God is a necessity…

NWO Shill Reply:
June 18th, 2011 at 1:08 am

god is a necessity-

show me your logical proof and i’ll gladly refute it

Fotozine Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 1:21 pm
These scum call for war but never risk their own scrawny necks. Imagine how good it would be if there was no war and these warmongering scum ceased to exist. They only want it to profit from arms sales and plundering of natural resources within invaded countries. Meanwhile folk sit blithely at home watching American idol and other crappy distractions. What a world!

Matzo Man Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 1:25 pm
A “big war” MADNESS will save the EU?
No, I think that the events set in motion for Greece are too far along.

This Keith Alexander is INSANE. He is Dangerous; he wants a war very badly.

June 17th, 2011 at 1:28 pm
STRANGE. VERY STRANGE. I dont see all the anti-war liberal wackos our protesting,




SEAN is on the Bilderberg payroll. Tell a friend today.

FAUL McCartney Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:52 pm

hahahaha…. your funny dude.. because what y0u say is true

June 17th, 2011 at 1:29 pm
Who is the most intuitive. Ask NASA.

FAUL McCartney Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:53 pm

or the NSA

Hammer Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 1:33 pm
It looks like they are following the script for Armegeddon. It’s sort of like Jesus fulfiling the prophecies. The only difference is, the bilderbergers aren’t Jesus. Also, Aaron Dykes is a good talk show host.

dhsn Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 1:35 pm
Perpetual war for perpetual profit. Add in lunatics who have always believed in murder for every reason and no reason, stir, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.
But it’s not 2 religions it’s more like 4. The grandparent religion of Judaism, it’s son Christianity, it’s son Islam, and the ever-present Lucifer/Satan/Baal.
It’s not so much they are the enemy of progress, they’re a convenient bunch of useful fools/useful tools.

Leave it to Beaver Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 5:14 pm

truth I serve Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 5:27 pm
Well actually what I can see is they want to make a wide scale war in order to use the others to dissolve Israel and then wash their hands like Pontius Pilatus. The funny thing is that parts of moss ad help those who put them on the food plate of getting eaten up. And this tiny fraction must be controlled by brit intel .
Anyhow It takes extraordinary stupidity to help to finance wars , help the brits to built up terrorists in order to weaken USA and help former superpower England s to get bag their colony America and later on when every thing is in ashes former protectorates – just to
think that when there is the fire on in the whole Middle East that nothing will happen there
deserves stupidity oscar .
. Stupid sheep’s who feed the wolfs who will eat them up using the others at the end. Alex Jones must see it and many wisdom people to. It is even written in the revelation bocks. I don’t fear to speak out the truth because human mind can be very protective and very very strong .
Everything is focus that we don’t see how strong is our mind and that when we are good can prevent stuff. This elites fear that. Not money makes power.
The mind is the secret.
Alex Jones is the warning voice driven by inner peace and I never even one listen that he made racial comments or was disrespectful against other religions. Him, HIS MOVEMENT – ALL THOSE WHO SAY NO TO WAR and fema camps are on right side of history. We will win. I am sure of that 100 percent.
liberty will be recovered .no nwo – but liberty and peace.
In internet times it seems to be clear for humankind that not American people are to blame they were intrigued into wars and their Intel is taken over. And false flag terrorism serves of making road for total control of masses and totalitarism. The osama they killed was someone else – other ears fingers, all hoax and this anwar al awlaki is some framer boy who had many interesting contacts during human studies at university and was already invited in pentagon.
But since republications tock over there will be a u turn – tea party is the winner movement. There will be no now and I see America will go out from it with two punches in the eye.
The rest betters sooner than better sits with the winner movement on one table and does not serve the wolfs who same like third Reich planning here very big. but I have great expectations that eventually secrets of satanic rituals are released soon involving high rang politicians and their intriguing games to black mail American politicians into treason and that eventually before things run hot public eye will be getting new information’s about the dead of late princess Diana who was a defender of peace tolerance and definitely not opposed to America under sharp optics even a tea party girl.i don’t doubt – a few hard core texas boys still can very much.
Best candidate from my optics in libertarian Ron Paul. Even so there is not to much focus on him thanks to Gestapo like controlled main stream press – he speaks truth. The guy has peace in his heart, stands for life and not for taking it and is a hope to make things return into balance and he looks to me like he does not dance and won’t sell out independence declaration all the other candidates with exception of Sarah Palin who can be good as vize president and Mit Romney who is very presidential and seems to be ok and clear and good person – the rest are out of cuestion and are already bought by them- even the other woman candidate Bachmann – some soft player who will dance like they tell here an nwo framer puppet I can feel that . sarah palin might not know everything but she is sincere and not a traitor
and my very best wishes to alex jones

I pray every day that you are save and sound

jeff Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 5:53 pm
Truth I Serve – God Bless You

There are many Americans that believe as you do! I DO!

Please don’t think bad of all of us. We’re trying to wake people up. It’s not going as well as we would like, but we’re trying. Please pray for us, as we will pray for you.

Again – God bless you and yours!

jlynch2 Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 6:05 pm
All the US citizens have to do, in order to stop these totally destructive foreign wars, is vote for Ron Paul. He is an honorable veteran, a faithful husband and family man, so consistent as to make one question his Humanity, totally against the true enemies of the US (the Federal Reserve and atheist NWO leftists), actually had a real job that he worked very hard at (baby doctor), is unapproachable with regards to honor and integrity, intelligent in the ways of history and financial matters, and ANTI_WAR! The only reason the typical US citizen votes against Ron Paul is because they are PRO-WAR (and atheist, communist, etc…).

Will people wake up to the fact that US citizens are pro-war in general, which means that they approve of murdering, raping, and pillaging other countries in order to maintain their plastic lifestyle. This is what you get when 80% of the population follows a philosophy invented by the self chosen people (Christianity). The typical US citizen is fat, lazy, ugly, perverse, dishonest, cowardly, atheist, narcissist, and completely full of s%*t.

Americans fully deserve who they elect and continually re-elect, because these most low forms of life (politicians) truly represent what Americans are really all about. After the self chosen people make the US attack Syria and Iran this Fall (or earlier), the full scale Hydrogen Bomb war with Russia and China will ensue, which will eradicate billions of Humans, and probably result in the extinction of all Human life within less than one hundred years. It makes you wonder what brand of airplane glue the Bilderbergers are snorting these daze.

jeff Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 6:26 pm
jlynch2 – WOW

Are you kidding me? Americans are pro-war in general? Blame it on Christianity?

Your first paragraph was correct on the Ron Paul part, so don’t get me wrong. But than you went WAY OFF THE RESERVATION. Let me help. Most of the people ONLY LISTEN OR WATCH the mainstream media. They are the ones that deserve your righteous indignation, the MSM.

All you say after that is probably true. There are many GOOD PEOPLE in this country who are being deceived. I don’t doubt that. But keep your indignation towards the EVIL ONES, not the uninformed ones. There’s a big difference!

FAUL McCartney Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 7:58 pm

BE STRONG JEFF. if you see Sun-glassed people staring at you.. STARE AT THEM BACK WITH no sunglasses SHOW NO FEAR.. that scares the shit out of them.. especially when they have their Global Gang Graffiti on their cars… a.k.a FREEMASONS

jeff Reply:
June 17th, 2011 at 8:15 pm

You are truly an idiot.

jlynch2 Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 7:14 pm
Please excuse me, but if it looks like a dog, smells like a dog, and wags its tail when you pet it or give it a snack, it is a dog! The citizens of the US mostly all had access to the internet for at least the past four years, and who did they nominate: bomb Iran and start WWIII now McPain; and bomb Pakistan and start WWIII soon OBombya. They gave consistent anti-war proponents Dennis Kucinich 1% of the Democrat vote and Ron Paul 9% of the Republican vote.

What is someone, with any sense of realism based upon observation, supposed to deduce? So there is a very small percentage of US citizens capable of free thought and the ability to read, analyze, and reason, so what? My statements reflect what the majority of US citizens are perceived to be; please remember that only 80% of America is Christian brain washed.

Europeans used to believe the very simple fact that they were created by the Sun and Earth. Consider the simple scientific fact that the Sun and Earth are billions of years old, and Humanity is maybe a few million years old, and please do not discuss space ships or some other BS. If you accept the concept of something never being created out of nothing, then you also have to conclude that the Sun and Earth possess (super) consciousness and Free Will, since their creation (Humanity) does.

However, Western society has lost their Pantheist ways, and now believes fairy tales propagated by the self chosen people, who also happen to have brought US all to the precipice of self destruction. Go ahead and deny what you see, because that is what allows the self chosen people, who are just 2% of the total population, to control the rest of the population. Bend over and accept their wisdom, while they drain your life blood and soul.

labrat1 Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 8:54 pm
jlynch 2: You say 80% of Americans are Christians, and then say they are fat, lazy, ugly, and atheistic? Many of us are hard working, hard playing, good looking, and independent! Do you think that this country became the economic powerhouse of the world, by sitting on our butts?
By the way, I am weary of all the talk of how China will soon be the #1 producer in the world. How do you think it got that way? It still depends on the American consumer for its very existence. Don’t blame us for this turn of events, as we were sold out by our Judas politicians. Maybe if we ever get our industry back, we will use it more wisely, and produce the things we need to survive comfortably, and not so much worthless junk.
I am a “Green” Christian and believe the LORD, when he says that he is the living GOD, or the GOD of that which is alive. He has many times revealed himself to be the GOD of the organic, and not the synthetic. All the same, we do not make the mistake of worshiping him as nature, but rather as the designer or creator of nature! The sun does not think! The one who made it however does. You seem to be a thoughtful man, and I’m sure you think that what you say is wise. After all an enlightened person rises above the mythology, and is rational, right? That is the same rationale that the Illuminate believe in. I’ll put my money on the LORD. I am reluctant to mention his name here, because I don’t like his name, being vilified or denigrated by those who cannot see! I see that many like to blame much of the worlds problems, on religion. {Mao, and Stalin were atheists, and they had no compunctions about slaughtering millions of their fellow human beings,} However, what the critics of religion fail to understand is, that people who are sincerely Christians, and not in name only, do not practice these hypocrisies. Take a look around, do you actually think that this all came about by itself? I hope you will reconsider, as a wise man I’m sure that you are not too established in your opinions, to evolve and still search for the truth. I have read many authors, such Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, Thomas Jefferson ,and many more. I have studied Buddhism, Hinduism, Scientology, Judaism, and some things about Islam. I realize that many horrible acts have been committed in the name of religion, but not by those who were sincere believers. I have after all my research, and life experiences come to believe in JESUS CHRIST. The one thing about Christianity that draws me towards it, is that it is found with the heart, and not the brain. The rest is just mental masturbation! I do not wish to offend you, nor am I offended by you. I am sure you mean well. For what it is worth there is much that you are right about. I would however hope, that you can be more circumspect, when it comes to how you craft your criticisms.
Isn’t it odd, that these conversations, frequently come around to religion. This is no accident you know, but a manifestation of an inevitable truth. Like it or not, this world is in a spiritual crisis, and it must be solved by understanding this inescapable truth. I am sure that this will more or less agitate many of my fellow subscribers, and for that I am truly sorry.
P.S. watch EXPELLED by Ben Stein, he is a very smart man, and he believes in intelligent design. There is much scientific evidence that leads one to see the truth of my assertions. As always, NOTHING BUT LOVE!

JailBanksters Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 10:25 pm
It doesn’t surprise me in the Least, “Except Israel”
The most Influential Members are either Jewish or Jewish Sympathisers.
So yeah, lets get every country that is NOT Israel to fight against each other.
Sounds like a Plan, I’ll just call me ol’ mate Hillary and she can get the ball rolling.

Ford Prefect Says: 
June 17th, 2011 at 11:28 pm
I just ate an entire bag of Smartfood popcorn, and have figured everything out. It’s way worse then all of you suspect.

GrowABrain Says: 
June 18th, 2011 at 12:04 am
Judging by the posts here, it looks like the Globalists have already won. Religious conflict has always been a powerful tool in destabilizing any region anywhere. People naturally fight for what they believe to be true and rarely compromise when it comes to their faith (or lack of faith).
Distractions of other kinds work too (the “race” card), but none as powerful as getting people to fight over faith.

darrenobi Says: 
June 18th, 2011 at 12:13 am
all opinions are relevent but you all miss the point.
to see the the truth one must know the lie.
the NWO and there global wars are distractions.
They build there underground cities not to escape disaster but to avoid the lynch mobs.
The euro zone was set up to fail, to push people into violence, more souls for the dark side.
More wars and more energy for there masters.
More division the better for them, becareful what you draw from religous texts, anything that hints at division no matter what it is , is there agenda.
I live in a place/country where most despise war and violence.
If you are born in a place full of violence and those that seek war, maybe it reflects the lesson you need to learn.
The wave approaches the chaos across our solar system increases.
The chaos on earth grows both natural and man made.
Violence hate and anger are the road to the darkside,fear.
In a waking dream my spirit guides told me not to fear even in death you will particapate in the awakening, they can only kill the physical body, your soul is yours.
Unless you give it away thru fear.
The elite live in fear, Why?
because they will lose the earth and there control of it,and they know it.
Only evil seeks control.
Remember the ultimate state of negative consciousness is WISHFULL THINKING.
Comet elenin has been sent to lead the way for the wave, its first target will be the control system operating from saturn thru the moon, see the effects its had on saturn (satan).
The unseen evil enemy knows its days are numbered.
Half the people will die from there planned eugenics, or possibly they will ascend to a new plane of energy and reality beyond there control.
better to convince people now while there still vulnerable that they will always controll you.
Life is about lessons thats why you experience these realities, to evolve.
Let the unseen evil play there childish games because its a zero sum game.
they lose either way.
They are not the masters of the universe just the next level.
unconditional love is about respecting all and loving all wether good or evil.
Service to others understands that events must run there course no matter what the out come.
Let go of your fear, only evil lives in fear.

GFB Says: 
June 18th, 2011 at 1:20 am
How are they going to have a major war and NOT involve Israel.Are they crazy?Well we know they are crazy.Israel will be wiped off the map.

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Source: http://www.prisonplanet.com/globalists-call-for-big-war.html

A comparason between Native Title & Land Rights

at last!!!
a good comparison of what is land rights and what is the more insultingly and falsely called native title.
as gary foley and others have said for many years, ‘native title is not land rights’. it does not even come close to real land rights for the traditional owners of our ancient lands.
the major difficulties of comparing the two systems was that mainly it became very very difficult to explain the differences to those who had a limited legal knowledge and/or a more limited understanding of land for the traditional owners. there was a new-age primitivism that clouded many enquiring minds but that eventually brought many conversations to an inconclusive  close. 
the gove case 1972 and heard by j. blackburn found that land rights did not exist when it came to mining claims. then pm billy mcmahon strongly put to parliament that land rights would never exist, hence our tent embassy was formed. whitlam, not satisfied with that outcome then set up the woodward royal commission to look at land rights in the nt. his findings were given to whitlam but the cia-arranged dismissal of whitlam then  allowed fraser, much to his credit, to bring the nt act in. john howard spoke quite strongly against the act being brought in but fraser, quite correctly, ignored his racist and rancid statements  and proceeded. howard never forgave him and i believe howard’s later venal and personal actions led him to grab back the lands of the nt. among other reasons too, of course.
mabo 1992 found for the meriam torres strait islanders and this had a flow-on effect to the mainland land claims. then came the wik people win  in 1996 that found that traditional land owners did not lose their lands to pastoralists and others. howard and his minions were now in power and they went ballistic with the high court decision. the coalition government decided then that the high court could no longer be trusted to continue to back the invaders as they had done so for nearly a hundred years. howard and tim fischer then came up with the infamous and racist 10 point plan to allow for, as they put it, ‘buckets of extinguishment’ against tha aboriginal traditional owners.
with some little change the bill made its way to the senate whereby, because of the then numbers, the final decision was to be made by senator brian harridine and he called on father frank brennan to assist him. two non-aboriginal men, steeped in white christianity, were charged with either rejecting the bill in toto or in attempting to amend the bill by cutting the bill off at its knees. we were calling for complete rejection but our voices would not be heard.
harridine and brennan decided to not consult with those aborigines, including noel pearson who referred to the coalition government as ‘racist scum’, because they did not want a ‘racist election.’ the 10 point plan became the 6 point plan to stop racist elections! these two men have cost aborigines dearly since those days and they continue still to do so. what they did not seem to understand is that for my people, every bloody election is a racist event. especially in the rural areas where land claims are before the tribunal.
governments around the country listened and learned well on how to win on every land claim that came before them, and that was to keep the cases out of the courts and set up negotiating bodies that they could quite easily control. real land rights has been reduced to indigenous land use agreements that now only allow for negotiated agreements that only allows for cultural access but with no ownership of the land or its resources.
we badly need to return to the land rights as a proper human rights procedure. the krudd and gillard governments are more than prepared to continue to steal our birthrights from us. the yorta yorta land claim was naught but a travesty of justice, as so many others have also been. the court found against their cultural continuance on their lands, a complete travesty of natural justice, and then the victorian government of the time recognised enough of their cultural continuance to do a negotiated theft of their lands.
strane thing, white justice. we are never ever allowed to win.
we want rights, not some smoke-and-mirrors theft of what is ours and has been gor more than 60 000 years.
always was, always will be – aboriginal land.

To see comparison document:


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

Appearances and ‘real’ people.

From The Ring Cedars.. From Illusory People chapter.

Anastasias grandfather says in response to Vladamirs statement whilst pointing at two girls in the park talking.  “I think one of them – the one smoking – is unreal.”  And later says “look closely. The girl has on very uncomfortable high healed shoes. Besides, there a little too tight for her.  She wears them precisely because someone else is dictating what shoes women should be wearing these days. And she’s wearing a short skirt of material made to look like leather but it isn’t leather.  It’s harmful for the body, but she’s wearing it according to the dictates of society’s current fad. Look at all her gaudy make-up and how arrogantly she is behaving.  Outwardly she is independant.  But only outwardly.  Her whole appearance is at odds with her self, her real self.  She’s been ‘smitten’ by an image of someone elses thoughtforms, a soulless, illusory image has eclipsed her living soul and taken it captive.” it takes a strange twist when asked to prove if this  is true.  Grandfather approaced the two girls, looked the one smoking in eye n said “put the cigarette, dear girl, into your right hand. You should try holding it in your right hand.” she obediently obliged. But it was more to it than that.  Her face suddenly became completely altered.  Her arrogance had vanished.  In fact, everything about her was differen: her face, the way she stood.  And in a completely different tone she said: “I’l try grandfather.” “You should have your child, dear girl.” “it’ll be hard for me.  I’m all alone.”. “let him come to you. You go and think about that hand of yours, think about your child, and he will come.  Go along now dear girl, you must hurry”. Vladamir says after this “can you tame any woman like that? That’s terrific! Some sort of super-hypnosis, eh? Far out!” to which the Grandfather replies ” it’s not hypnosis.  And theres no far out mysticism here.  It’s simply an attentive attitude to ones fellow man.  And i mean to the man, not the dreamt up image which obscures the real man.  And, man responds instantly to this, he finds his strength, when you appeal directly to him, ignoring the illusory image.” “But how did you manage to see the invisible man behind the visible image?” “It’s all very simple, really. I watched them a bit.  The girl was holding the cigarette in her left hand.  She was also rummaging around in her hand with her left hand. Which means she’s left handed.  And if a small child holds a spoon or does something else with the left hand, his parents try to get him to use the right.  She got along fine with her parents.  I realised this when i saw the way she looked at the man and woman walking along with a little girl in tow.  I spoke to her the way her parents might have when she was little.  I tried to use the same tone of voice her parents might have used.  Back when she was little, unaffected, not under someone else’s image.  That little girl was the real man, and it responded rite off.  And it’s the alien image doesn’t want the child. But the girl’s inner being wants the child very much. They’re struggling with each other.  Now her inner being will win out!!!”

I just found this last night in my favourite series, hope u like it. I could never find the words n now i hav, so i had to share.

Global warming N climate change

“Climate change is variation in either the mean state of the climate or in its variability, persisting for an extended period, typically decades or longer. It encompasses temperature increase (global warming), sea-level rise, changes in precipitation patterns and increased frequencies of extreme events. Each of these phenomena can impact on biological diversity. In fact climate change is one of the major threats to biodiversity.” The Convention on Biological Diversity

whether you believe it or not global warming is happening.  Find out what the causes are and how to do your bit. Just for future generations we should be more careful to walk more gently on the planet, taking only what we must, take responsibility to get the facts and if we care enough, do what we can to undo our mistakes so far.

– scientist all agree on the Basic Facts of Global Warming

– Science community confirms global warming is happening – and people are the cause.

– The only real debate is about how fast warming will occur, and how much damage will be done, as a result of human activities that produce heat-trapping CO2 and other greenhouse-gas emissions

– Make no mistake: Science has given us unequivocal warning that global warming is real. The time to start working on solutions is now.

– chemist Svante Arrhenius first proposed the idea of global warming in 1896.

– Carbon dioxide, he knew, traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. He also knew that burning coal and oil releases carbon dioxide (CO2).

– Arrhenius speculated that continued burning of coal and oil would increase concentrations of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere, making the planet warmer. It’s called the “greenhouse effect.”

– What warms the Earth? There are essentially three factors that could be responsible for recent rapid global warming.  
The sun
Earth’s reflectivity
Greenhouse gases

– Which of these is causing our current global warming? All the evidence points to greenhouse gases,   Source: NASA Earth Observatory

– Historic CO2 Levels: The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in measurable history, and predicted to increase dramatically this century.

– An increase of 25% more CO2 than the highest natural levels over the past 800,000 years.  GlobalChange.gov

– Additional CO2 in the atmosphere comes mainly from coal and oil, because the chemical composition of the CO2 contains a unique “fingerprint.” 

– case closed: human activity is causing the Earth to get warmer,  through the burning of fossil fuels, with a smaller contribution from clearing forests. All other scientific answers for why the Earth is getting warmer have been knocked out.

– World View of Human Impact on Temperature Since 1900
Continental and global temperatures modeled with and without human influence show the impact of human activity on global warming

– Glaciers are Melting and Contributing to Sea Level Rise

– Between 1961 and 1997 the world’s glaciers lost 890 cubic miles of ice. ( even though some get bigger, its not enough)

– melting ice caps and glaciers accounted for about 25% of sea level rise from 1993 to 2003. Over the 20th century sea level worldwide rose by 6.7 inches, and the 2007 IPCC report concludes it is now rising faster.

– Greenland’s massive ice sheet could soon reach a tipping point that would trigger an irreversible meltdown and an eventual sea-level rise of over 20 feet.

– Melting sea ice can accelerate warming

– Since 1979, Arctic sea ice has declined by 11.2 percent per decade

– Scientists believe the polar ocean, including the geographic North Pole, could be entirely ice-free in the near future. Their predictions range from as early as 2013 to as late as 2100.

– Global Warming and Increased CO2 will Harm

– CO2, warming in just the middle range of scientific projections would have devastating impacts

– Rising seas would inundate coastal communities, contaminate water supplies with salt and increase the risk of flooding by storm surge, affecting tens of millions of people globally. Plus, extreme weather events, including heat waves, droughts and floods, are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity, causing loss of lives and property and throwing agriculture into turmoil.

– Even though higher levels of CO2 can act as a plant fertilizer under some conditions, scientists now think that the “CO2 fertilization” effect on crops has been overstated

– We live in a global community. The idea that there will be regional “winners” and “losers” in global warming is based on a world-view from the 1950’s.

– Many Communities Won’t be Able to Adapt to Rapid Climate Change

– Dramatic coastal erosion is forcing residents of Shishmaref, Alaska to relocate.

– The current warming of our climate will bring major hardships and economic dislocations — untold human suffering, especially for our children and grandchildren

– Climate has changed in the past and human societies have survived, but today six billion people depend on the earths systems.

-there is much greater risk to today’s larger population and infrastructure.

– unless we limit the amount of heat-trapping gases we are putting into the atmosphere now, we face continued warming and even larger climate changes than we already see today.

– If action isn’t taken, 100 million people worldwide could be flooded by the sea each year in the 2080s.

– In what appears to be the first forced move resulting from climate change, 100 residents of Tegua island in the Pacific Ocean were relocated by the government in 2005 because rising sea levels were flooding their island.
Some 2,000 other islanders plan a similar move to escape rising waters.

– In the United States, the village of Shishmaref in Alaska, which has been inhabited for thousands of years, is collapsing from melting permafrost. Relocation plans are in the works. On the Torres Strait Islands a high tide during wet season can mean disaster for the towns electri and waste systems.  Main streets can be seen under water at king tides.  See www.koorimail.com n search tides Torres Strait Islands.

– Even if people find a way to adapt, the wildlife and plants on which we depend may be unable to adapt to rapid climate change. While the world itself will not end, the world as we know it may disappear.

Referances: http://www.edf.org/page.cfm?tagid=54136
http://www.edf.org/article.cfm?contentID=11026 http://www.edf.org/article.cfm?contentid=11029

In closing, hopefully i have shown that from the latest information available, global warming is really happening and is a real threat to humanity and wildlife.  I believe it important to do everything we can to find out how we can do our part to reduce the rate and effect of this global problem.  To find out what we can do, you can start by logging onto: stopglobalwarming.org, http://www.wikihow.com/Take-Action-to-Reduce-Global-Warming or watch the video the inconvenient truth at http://www.climatecrisis.net

“Aborigines from across the country will fight nuclear dumping”

This is serious business, THIS IS OUR BUSINESS!!!


Yours in UNITY
Sharralyn Robinson

Illawarra Local Aboriginal Land Council


Ph: 42 26 3338

Fax: 42 26 3360

M: 0410 125463

I acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land I work on as the first people of this country.

Subject: “Aborigines from across the country will fight nuclear dumping”

“Aborigines from across the country will fight nuclear dumping”

Media Release

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 24 February 10 – Aboriginal people will be called from all over Australia to protest in the Northern Territory against any movement of nuclear waste across their traditional lands, an Aboriginal activist says.

Michael Anderson, chairman of an Aboriginal Summit Task Force recently elected in Canberra (pictured at right), says in a media release: “Nothing will move down the former American Vice-President Dick Cheney’s Halliburton railway line from Darwin to Alice Springs.”

Mr. Anderson was responding on behalf of a majority of traditional land owners to an announcement by Resources and Energy Minister, Martin Ferguson, that the Federal Government will pursue the first Australian radioactive waste repository at Muckaty Station, about 120 kilometres north of Tennant Creek.

Mr. Anderson condemned the Bureau of Northern Land Council for “ignoring the majority of the traditional land owners who do not want their country, Muckaty Station, used for nuclear waste dumping”.

He said the general Australian public fails to understand how much influence the federal government has over organisations such as the Northern Land Council, whose CEO is appointed by government. 

“Aboriginal people are under siege from the tyranny of a Labor government who have no consideration whatsoever for our rights,” Mr. Anderson charges.

“What we have here is a repeat of the Ranger uranium mine agreement fiasco. The arrangements that are being made are illegal and the government and the Northern Land Council know full well that the traditional owners have little to no chance of fighting against this dictatorship.

“But don’t underestimate our resolve as a resistance group. It is time the Australian government woke up and understands that they are pushing us into a corner and we will come out fighting with all that we have.

“Our communications thus far with the traditional owners suggest that a fight is looming, and maybe then the Australian public will get the picture.”

Mr Anderson, the last survivor of the four Black Power activists who set up the Aboriginal Embassy in Canberra in 1972, says he is pleased that the unions are offering support.

“The New Way Summit Task Force has been asked for their support to bring this matter to the attention of the public. The Task Force puts the Australian government on notice that like Noonkanber in Western Australia in 1979, we will call upon Aboriginal people to come from every part of this country and protest any movement of nuclear waste across our people’s traditional lands.”

“If the Europeans, Americans and China along with the rest of the world want to use nuclear power, then dump your rubbish on your own soil. You take it from us against our will and you now want to return it against our wishes.”

Muckaty Station is the country of the mother of Barbara Shaw (pictured left), Alice Springs camps activist and a member of the Summit Task Force. Ms Shaw commented on uranium mining in the Northern Territory at the Canberra summit from 30 January to 1 February.

She said only some people agreed to the dump “because they saw the dollar sign”. Although Elders had long warned that the radiation is dangerous, a lot more awareness needed to be created in the area. Listen to the extract at http://www.4shared.com/file/228500371/e1144837/Barbara_Shaw_MINING.html.

The Taskforce can be contacted through Michael Anderson at 02 68296355 landline, 04272 92 492 mobile, 02 68296375 fax, ngurampaa@…


Mr Anderson’s release in full:

As Chairman of the recently elected Aboriginal Summit Task Force, I condemn the Bureau of Northern Land Council for ignoring the majority of the traditional land owners who do not want their country, Muckaty Station, used for nuclear waste dumping.

What the general Australian public fails to understand is how much influence the Federal Government has over organizations such as the Northern Land Council. In the first instance the CEO of the Northern Land Council is a Government-appointed person as per the Federal Northern Territory Land Rights Act. This does not fare very well for its perceived independence. Aboriginal people are under siege from the tyranny of a Labor Government who have no consideration whatsoever for our rights.

What we have here is a repeat of the Ranger uranium mine agreement fiasco. The arrangements that are being made are illegal and the Government and the Northern Land Council know full well that the traditional owners have little to no chance of fighting against this dictatorship. But don’t underestimate our resolve as a resistance group.

The public must now realize what this Labor Government are doing to Aboriginal people, blackmailing them to sign over their lands for infra-structure development and housing, but the real issues are now coming to a head and this is just one example of what is coming.

We do have rights and freedoms and it is time the Australian Government woke up and understands that they are pushing us into a corner and we will come out fighting with all that we have.

It is pleasing to see that the unions are offering support and our communications thus far with the traditional owners suggest that a fight is looming and maybe then the Australian public will get the picture.

The New Way Summit Task Force has been asked for their support to bring this matter to the attention of the public. The task force puts the Australian Government on notice that like Noonkanber in Western Australia in 1979, we will call upon Aboriginal people to come from every part of this country and protest any movement of nuclear waste across our people’s traditional lands. Nothing will move down the former American Vice-President Dick Cheney’s Halliburton railway line from Darwin to Alice Springs.

“If the Europeans, Americans and China along with the rest of the world want to use nuclear power, then dump your rubbish on your own soil. You take it from us against our will and you now want to return it against our wishes. No, the energy-hungry consumers need to look to a better way of doing business, and in this case bury your own nuclear waste in your own back yards; if you believe what you are told by your leaders that it is safe then you have no fears.

Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:05 am


For most parents it is impossible to understand or decipher what the ingredients in some of chil-dren‘s products actually are:

Have you ever looked at the ingredients list on your baby care and children‘s products and wondered what they are?

Have you ever researched what the ingredients are and what their purpose is?

Do you believe the ingredients are safe for your kids?

Are you aware of the effects the combination of some these ingredients may have on your baby and children‘s health and wellbeing?

Do you believe that products advertised or labelled ‗natural‘ or ‗organic‘ are safe to use?
Raise Questions, Seek Answers
When you know the truth about the chemicals in your baby and children‟s products you may be shocked at what you find!

Because you make ALL the choices and decisions for your children from birth to their formative years, it is vitally important that you make wise and informed choices for them.
You will decide: What products they are exposed to What medications they will take What food they eat Where and how they will live
Are you aware of the toxins they may be exposed to from their baby products and in their every-day environment?
What is that you require to help you understand the impact of toxins on your child‘s health and wellbeing now and for the future?
What do you think they would ask you in the future about the choices you are making for them today?
If your child had a choice, what would they choose?

Copyright © 2009 Niche Finders. All rights reserved.
Healthy Living
We have all lathered and pampered our kids with all sorts of potions, lotions and concoctions so they feel soft and smell good. Most people intrinsically believe that companies would not inten-tionally promote or sell products that would harm our babies or children.
Is this really true?

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better”
Albert Einstein

Inner Alchemy
The alchemists of ancient times were aware that the human body works in harmony with mother nature. They used her secrets in a form of natural chemistry, free from synthetic chemicals using only ingredients derived from plants, minerals, flowers and nature.
This fact is what makes natural substances more powerful than any synthetic substance created by man. Most modern men and women have detached themselves from nature. We now live in a world where every aspect of our environment is saturated with synthetic chemicals. Sad but true…
We have been fooled for decades into thinking that ‗synthetics‘ are the way of the future and that they are safe and superior to nature. Given the massive increases in cancer and other im-mune related diseases since the beginning of the chemical revolution in the 1930‘s and the cur-rent global environmental issues of our planet, we can see that this may not be the truth.

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A little about page admin Kaiyu Moura (Bayles)

Now living in QLD raising her children on their traditional country, gathering food, learning the old art of building shelters, dance and the local language. For the past 20 years with her late Grandmother Maureen Watson and a dance group with 6 of her sisters Kaiyu travelled schools, festivals, events etc sharing the beauty of First Nations Culture through song and dance, stories, art, theatre, nursery rhymes, poetry etc and engaging all ages in different projects that inspire positive change. Also a poet, documentary maker, songwriter, artist, event organiser, media consultant, testing the waters of micro social enterprise by starting her own tshirt and sublimation printing business and with her own label, Kaiyu creates what she calls Freedom Threads.

After building their own home on Tribal Sovereign land, Kaiyu is now homeschooling and teaching the kids about making our own tinctures, learning about bushtucker and mushrooms, growing food, building with aircrete, setting up wind turbines, composting toilets and ram water pumps... Really learning what it truly means to thrive. This is our Group where we share alot of what we do

Kaiyu and the Tribe