Declaration of Persona Non Grata Against the King, the Crown and its Agents sent 02/04/2023

Hit this to take action now – send your own Dec today,,,,, PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Attorney-General’,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  

Addressed to:

Mark Leibler

Constitutional Expert Group members:

Professor Greg Craven AO GCSG, Professor Megan Davis, Mr Kenneth Hayne AC KC, Mr Noel Pearson, Professor Cheryl Saunders AO, Professor Anne Twomey AO, Scientia Professor George, Williams AO FASSA, Professor Asmi Wood

First Nations Referendum Working Group members:

Mr Dale Agius SA Commissioner for First Nations Voice, Ms Pat Anderson AO Co-chair of Uluru Dialogue, Chairperson Batchelor Institute, Ms Geraldine Atkinson Co-chair First People’s Assembly of Victoria, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design Groups, Professor Tom Calma AO Co-chair Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, Chancellor University of Canberra Co-chair Reconciliation Australia, Professor Megan Davis Co-chair of Uluru Dialogue, Balnaves Chair in Constitutional Law UNSW, Mr Rodney Dillon Chair Tasmanian Aboriginal Heritage Council Co-chair, Tasmanian Regional Aboriginal Community Alliance, Mr Sean Gordon Managing Director Gidgee Group, Councillor University of Newcastle, Dr Jackie Huggins AM FAHA, Co-chair QLD Treaty Advancement Committee, Co-chair National Apology Foundation, Professor Dr Marcia Langton AO Co-chair Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, Associate Provost, University of Melbourne, Mr Thomas Mayor National Indigenous Officer Maritime Union of Australia, From the Heart, Mr Tony McAvoy SC NT Treaty Commissioner, Barrister, June Oscar AO (ex officio) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Mr Dean Parkin From the Heart, Mr Noel Pearson Founder of Cape York Institute, From the Heart, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, Ms Sally Scales Uluru Dialogue member, APY Artist, Mr Napau Pedro Stephen AM Chairperson Torres Strait Regional Authority, Mr Marcus Stewart, Co-chair, First People’s Assembly of Victoria, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design Groups, Ms Pat Turner AM Convenor of Coalition of Peaks CEO National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, The Hon Ken Wyatt AM Former Minister for Indigenous Australians, Professor Peter Yu AM Vice President First Nations at ANU, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, Dr Galarrwuy Yunupingu AM Chairman, Yothu Yindi Foundation, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design groups,

First Nations Referendum Engagement Group members

Mr Richie Ah Mat Chairperson Cape York Land Council, Mr Thomas Amagula, Deputy Chair, Anindilyakwa Land Council, Cr Ross Andrews Mayor Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council Australian Local Government Association representative Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, Mr Nathan Appo Institute of Urban Indigenous Health, Professor Muriel Bamblett AO CEO Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, Coalition of Peaks representative, Ms Jennifer Beale CEO Butucarbin Aboriginal Corporation, Professor Jack Beetson Australian Centre for Agriculture & Law – University of New England, Mr Dameyon Bonson Founder Black Rainbow Living Well, Ms Wendy Brabham Deputy Chair Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative, Mr Paul Briggs OAM Executive Chair Kaiela Institute, Mr Gavin Brown CEO PwC Indigenous Consulting, Mr Selwyn Button Chairperson The Lowitja Institute, Mr Nicholas Cameron Tasmanian Regional Aboriginal Communities Alliance, Chair Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation, Ms Shirleen Campbell, Tangentyere Women’s Safety Group, Cr Danny Chapman Chairperson NSW Aboriginal Land Council, Ms Fiona Cornforth CEO Healing Foundation, Dr Josie Douglas General Manager Health Services Division, Central Australian Aboriginal Congress, Ms Katrina Fanning PSM CEO Coolamon Advisors, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design Groups, Mr Tyronne Garstone CEO, Kimberley Land Council From the Heart, Mr Mick Gooda Co-chair,QLD Treaty Advancement Committee, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design Groups, Mr Damian Griffis CEO of First Peoples Disability Network, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, Ms Tanya Hosch Executive General Manager, Inclusion & Social Policy AFL, From the Heart,  Mr Paul House Senior Community Engagement Officer, ANU First Nations Portfolio Board member, Ngambri Local Aboriginal Land Council, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design Groups, Mr Gibson Farmer Illortaminni, Chairman, Tiwi Land Council, Ms Deborah Katona Senior Manager Policy Northern Land Council, Cr Esma Livermore Deputy Mayor, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council Australian Local Government Association representative, Mr Jamie Lowe CEO National Native Title Council, Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design Groups, Dr Hannah McGlade Associate Professor, Curtin Law School, Mr Wayne Miller CEO Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation Chair, Far West Community Leadership Group Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design groups, Cr Phillemon Mosby Mayor, Torres Strait Island Regional Council, Australian Local Government Association representative, Mr Kado Muir Activist & Impact Entrepreneur at Dilji, Social Anthropologist, Ms Karen Mundine CEO Reconciliation Australia, From the Heart, Ms Teela Reid Uluru Dialogue Group Lawyer, University of Sydney Law School, Cr Matthew Ryan Mayor West Arnhem Regional Council, Australian Local Government Association representative, Mr Shane Sturgiss CEO BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation, Mr Ian Trust AO National Chair, Empowered Communities, Executive Chairman, Wunan Foundation, Mr Les Turner CEO Central Land Council, Mr Richard Weston Deputy Children’s Guardian for Aboriginal Children and Young People (NSW), Member of Indigenous Voice Co-design Groups, Mr Sammy Wilson Traditional Owner, Uluru, Former Chair, Central Land Council, Mr Scott Wilson Lead Convenor of SA Aboriginal Community Controlled Network, Coalition of Peaks representative, Professor Asmi Wood Professor ANU College of Law

Reconciliation Australia, The Referendum Council, The Uluru Statement, The Voice Media team, Co-Design Voice, King Charles, The Vatican, The White House, The United Nations, The Australian Government, The Governor General, National Indigenous Australians Agency, Human Rights Commission, Australian Press Council, ABC, SBS, NIRS, Channel 7, Channel 9, Channel 10,

Declaration of Persona Non Grata against the King, the crown and its agents


Re: Vote No To Constitutional Recognition

1. The Constitution of the so called “Nation State” of Australia is at Law an instrument of a

Foreign Power, namely the Queen and the United Kingdom Parliament. It is De facto, illegitimate

Acts of Piracy at Maritime law, by way of letters of Marque from the Monarch and Parliament.

2. The Tribes are the REAL GOVERNANCE (De jure) of the land mass commonly referred to as Australia. By definition at Common Law the Tribes ARE THE LAND’s De jure, Lawful Governance.

3. What needs to happen is for the so called “Australian” Nation State to come out of their De facto, illegitimate Property laws of that State of Piracy and into the Custodial laws of the Tribes at National, Local, Regional and International levels.

4. As Justice Harry Gibbs has stated, all matters Constitutional MUST Lie Sine die until this has happened. De jure is the REAL LAW and GOVERNANCE instead of the De facto illegitimate Laws of Piracy under Maritime laws. The De jure Law and Governance is the Custodial Laws of the Tribes embodied within the Oral Traditions of the Sacred Circles of the Tribes, which in turn is embodied within the Custodial Laws and Governance of the ELDERS, Men’s Business, Women’s Business, Initiation/Treaty Sacred Circles.

5. The nature of the Sacred Circles is embodied in the lawful facts that those Sacred Circles seekthe Absolute Truth and Spiritual Oneness of People and Country NOT bound up in the “Property Laws” of the Pirates at Maritime laws by way of Letters of Marque from the Monarch.

6. This can be done/is being done by way of TREATY both inter-Tribally and other non Tribal entities that want/need to seek those Absolute Truths and Spiritual Oneness of People and Country by way of the Four Estates mentioned previously, in point 4.

7. The Invader/Occupier four Estates at Property Laws of Maritime Piracy is by way of 1. The Monarch 2. Parliament 3. Judiciary 4. Media and enacted by way of Letters of Marque from the Monarch to the Parliament. The so called “Nation State of Australia” is at LAW a De facto, illegitimate state and was said to be verified by the federated Colonies walking on the beach at Gallipoli as British Subjects and somehow walking off as “Australian Citizens”. A bag of Trickery UNLAWFULLY manifested and UNLAWFULLY maintained by IGNORANCE of the De jure lawful Nature of the TRIBES!

8. The De jure LAWFUL Nature of the TRIBES is clearly stated in the Pacific Islanders Protection Acts of 1872, 1875 and 1883 enacted by the United Kingdom Parliament at the direction of Queen Victoria which clearly States in the 1872 legislation in the second sentence of clause 2 by way of stating clearly applied to the unfederated colonies of “…New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia”.  This is further clarified at LAW in the 1875 legislation which states in clause 7.

“Saving of rights of tribes- Nothing herein or in any such Order in Council contained shall extend or be construed to extend to invest Her Majesty with any claim or title whatsoever to dominion or sovereignty over any such islands orplaces as aforesaid or to derogate from the rights of the tribes or people inhabiting such islands or places, or of chiefs or rulers thereof, to such sovereignty or dominion, and a copy of every such Order in Council shall be laid before each House of Parliament within 30 days after the issue thereof unless Parliament shall not then be in session in which case a copy shall be laid before each House of Parliament within 30 days after the commencement of the next ensuing session.”

This in turn is backed up @LAW by way of the 1883 legislation which states in clause 7, “Saving of rights of tribes- Nothing herein or in any such Order in Council contained shall extend or be construed to extend to invest Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, with any claim or title whatsoever to dominion or sovereignty over any such islands or places as aforesaid or to derogate from the rights of the tribes or people inhabiting such islands or places, or of chiefs or rulers thereof, to such sovereignty or dominion, and a copy of every such Order in Council shall be laid before each House of Parliament within 30 days after the issue thereof unless Parliament shall not then be in session in which case a copy shall be laid before each House of Parliament within 30 //days after the commencement of the next ensuing session.” which MAKES it Crown LAW Now!!!

9. Clearly @ LAW the De jure Governance of the TRIBES is the REAL LAW not the now Federated Colonies of Australia. The ONLY way to attain de jure status @ LAW and GOVERNANCE is to TREATY with those TRIBES by way of individuals tithing 10% of their first fruits and Corporations by way of 51% TRIBAL, 49% Corporations. This is because the Corporate Entities is where the pathological trickery and thuggery is manifested.

Bejam Kunmunara Jalo Nunukul Kabool

(aka legal fiction as evidenced by the Birth

Certificate/Constructive Trust – Denis Bruce Walker)

12th October, 2017

Considering the crown and its agents have never acted honestly when dealing with the tribes who have been subjected to racial violence and vilification, degradation, destruction and theft of their ancestral lands, brutal historical and contemporary political agendas, gross human rights violations on a mass scale, mass amounts of deaths in custody, shortened life expectancy, forced removal from tribal lands and family, loss of language, culture and identity as well as generational and current trauma.  We demand the crown and its agents be held accountable for current and historical grievances and enters into a peacekeeping agreement that affords the tribe protection from laws made that are not in the tribes best interests.

It is obvious this referendum is about gaining the consent of the natives as Governor Phillip so clearly stated needed to happen for legal settlement in Australia.  200 years later this has still not happened.  Instead the government tried to claim the land was Terranullius, a proven lie. All to rob the tribes of what is their birthrights. The Voice is just another short cut and all Australians should be outraged that the powers that be, instead of doing the right thing after 200 years of failures and healing as a nation by addressing the historical grievances;  They are trying to simply gain consent to make decisions on our behalf without our consent.  It will be up to 20 million Australian Citizens to Vote on something that will only affect the tribes. As Australian citizens, you are nothing more than a British Subject.  It is time to raise our voices as one and demand we become an independent nation, severing all ties from the British empire once and for all.  The tribes are and independent people of the land known today as Australia, we call on all Australians to join with us to all become a free country with our own constitution. Not an act of British parliament which is all the current Australian Constitution.

We call on the King, the crown and its agents to Declare Australia Independent from the British Empire once and for all.  We do not consent to including the tribes in the Australian Constitution (by a government that is in this country, persona non grata) via recognition or a voice to parliament.  We call on the king, crown and it’s agents to do the right thing, bringing an end to hostilities, hear the historical grievances, however long it takes do what it takes to reach an agreement with all the tribes to make sure this doesn’t happen again by enshrining tribal rights into federal levels of law.  It is against our tribal law to speak on behalf of another man or their land.  The worst crime in the western world is to steal a mans land or him from it.  We call on the king crown and it’s agents to legitimise their occupancy terms in Australia and stop the Malfeasance at once.

Mark McMurtrie states “We, the Original Tribes of this continent, declare to the world that no matter our geography, tribe, faith or political affiliation we are united as one People through the Almighty, the Creator of all things, the Creator confirms our Brotherhood and Nationhood, with and by the Creators’ will and blessing we exist.  Terra Australis, Terra Australis Ignota or Terra Australis Incognita (Latin for “the unknown land of the South”) was a hypothesized continent, not even appearing on European maps until the 15th century. However, since time immemorial, for many millennia before it ‘appeared’ on European maps, this continent has been the Sovereign lands of the Original Tribes. Other names used to acknowledge our continent by various other peoples over the times have been Magallanica (“the land of Magellan”), or La Australia del Espi´ritu Santo (Spanish: “the southern land of the Holy Spirit”), and La grande isle de Java (French: “the great island of Java”). Terra Australis was one of several names applied to the land mass of what is now known as the continent of Australia.

We, the Indigenous Tribes of Terra Australis confirm that we are the most ancient autochthonous Peoples on this, our Mother Earth, and our contribution into the development of humanity is unique. As is our contribution to and maintenance of the maintenance of the most Ancient Tribal culture, songs, dances and ceremonies and the oldest surviving system of law on the planet.  By the Creators’ will we were created the Sovereign Autochthonous Peoples of Terra Australis with unlimited, inalienable and unassailable rights and freedoms as a Peoples and a Nation and with Sovereign authority over ourselves and Tribal our lands.  We have suffered cruel turns of fate; Our Tribes had known peace for tens of thousands of years.

This was until the arrival of the British on Darug Tribal lands in 1788 at the place now commonly referred to as Sydney Cove.  Since that time the British have attempted to usurp our Sovereignty. They have unlawfully occupied our lands, and, with neither consent nor authority, have stolen and interrupted our Natural wealth, sacred sites, culture, families and other matters and sites of significance to our Tribes. They have done so despite our making it clear to them that this is against our will, law and culture. They have done so despite being mere guests upon Original Tribal lands, and in the process have committed ethnic cleansing on some of our fellow Tribes.

The Crowns parliaments have attempted to illegally disperse and dispossess Our peoples across the continent in an attempt to displace us from our domicile upon our Tribal lands in an attempt to justify their fraudulent usurpation of our absolute title and sovereignty over our Tribal lands, ourselves and our Creator granted status upon this continent.  We have been pushed out by force from our own lands, and over time, the records of our existence are being gradually eliminated and destroyed in a systematic program of genocide and ethnic cleansing. The settlers’ parliaments have been waging a war of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Original Tribes since their arrival on our lands.  Our graves are robbed and destroyed by bulldozers, concreted over and flooded with water.

Our Relics, Sacred and Holy sites, our bones and artefacts have been looted, stolen and illegally hidden in collections abroad and in foreign museums, and worse, in the homes of private settlers as monuments to their cunning craftiness in destroying the Creators longest surviving line of humanity and law.

Our People are facing extinction, our tribes are dying out and our tongues are losing their speech. We are the People who are losing our identity, names, voice, and Nationhood – but we haven’t lost them yet.”

“Until we give back to the black man just a bit of the land that was his and give it back without provisos, without strings to snatch it back, without anything but complete generosity of spirit in concession for the evil we have done him – until we do that, we shall remain what we have always been so far, a people without integrity; not a nation but a community of thieves.” Xavier Herbert, author of Poor Fellow My Country (1970).

We call on all our tribes across the land now known as Australia, to stand strong as one to oppose the legal trickery we are faced with and have had to deal with since the boats arrived.  Teach our children that we never ceded our country, we never gave it away, we never sold it…. This is pure trickery to take from us, all of our birthright and with it any integrity this country ever had.

Jude 11 — Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.

Non Est Factum, No Deal, No Contract, No Jurisdiction, Vote No.  The tribes disavow all harmful laws, legislation or policies.

Kaiyu Moura Wonnarua

De Jure Sanguinis Coronae

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A little about page admin Kaiyu Moura (Bayles)

Now living in QLD raising her children on their traditional country, gathering food, learning the old art of building shelters, dance and the local language. For the past 20 years with her late Grandmother Maureen Watson and a dance group with 6 of her sisters Kaiyu travelled schools, festivals, events etc sharing the beauty of First Nations Culture through song and dance, stories, art, theatre, nursery rhymes, poetry etc and engaging all ages in different projects that inspire positive change. Also a poet, documentary maker, songwriter, artist, event organiser, media consultant, testing the waters of micro social enterprise by starting her own tshirt and sublimation printing business and with her own label, Kaiyu creates what she calls Freedom Threads.

After building their own home on Tribal Sovereign land, Kaiyu is now homeschooling and teaching the kids about making our own tinctures, learning about bushtucker and mushrooms, growing food, building with aircrete, setting up wind turbines, composting toilets and ram water pumps... Really learning what it truly means to thrive. This is our Group where we share alot of what we do

Kaiyu and the Tribe