Can We Make Some Noise Online?

This is the launch of the official “Get The Full Picture” campaign, spreading much needed awareness about the upcoming referendum on Constitutional Recognition. Supported by grassroots activists across the country. 

Calling out to all our Grassroots mob to upload pics or videos

We  are going to need everyone to get involved if we have any chance of being heard. We are up against a multi million dollar “Vote Yes” campaign.

Smart Mob say “No Consent” To the Recognise Scam.
Don’t Let the Government hijack our Lands, Culture and Sovereignty for free!
See our urgent message stick here:

We will not defeat Recognise with just a few activists holding the front line. The Government recognise stooges are organised, they have millions of dollars of Government money, resources, they have media and paid foot soldiers. It requires people power to defeat such a grand scale scam. Recognition will undo all the benefits of Mabo 2 case in where our Sovereignty became recognised. The government will not recognise our sovereignty post the recognition referendum all they will recognise is their power over us and their rights to make laws for us at a unlimited capacity. Black funding, identified jobs, black housing, abstudy and even organisations will go down like a deck of cards. Merging of sovereigntys means assimilation which means all services are mainstreamed as so called ‘equal’. Closing the gap is really closing the distance to assimilation. Some activists have mobilised which is deadly now it’s time for everyone to rise up. This is the only chance right now to save Sovereignty that became lit up since Mabo 2.  

Domestic recognition is not Sovereignty it is ownership of property.

Points to remember for the Message to get out there for those wanting to make a 1min video:
– $800 million spent on the CONstitutional reforms “Recognise” campaign.

– Stop the government of Australia commit further crimes against the tribes

 – ‘Recognise’ campaign is treacherous for First Nations People

– The government wants to name First Nations people in the constitution so they have more power over them. It will allow the government to discriminate on the basis of race.

– The proposed referendum on Constitutional Recognition is a farce. They do not have consent to dictate terms of this proposed amendment on our behalf, Australian Citizens again voting on what they believe to be best for the tribes. Nor do they have jurisdiction in this country. 

– It fails the test of compliance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It gives the government the power to pass legislation like the ‘Northern Territory Intervention’ against the First Nations people in all the states.

– The vote will give non-Indigenous people the power to make the decision on ‘Recognition’ (This is because they have 97% of the vote.

– ‘Sovereignty was never ceded’ – this legislation will make it much harder for people to assert their sovereign rights – in other words it will kill any chance of workable and grass roots self-determination.

– We have not been properly consulted on the wording of the proposed changes. So we won’t get a say on the finally wording or have the final vote being the minority in this country.

– There has been no funding or resources made available for the “Vote No” campaign. This is bias and undemocratic.

– The R campaign is run by (un-elected) people especially selected and funded by the government to promote Constitutional Reform.

– On 7th December, 2015 the government appointed a new council to promote Constitutional Reform to work independently to the ‘Expert Council’ , including some of the front line people from the ‘Expert Panel’, which was named ‘The Referendum Council’. This council includes more non-Indigenous people than the ‘Expert Panel’. The non-Indigenous members are leading right-wing Lawyers and media experts..

– The referendum meetings that are happening nationally as part of the so called “consultation process”, is invite only. These meetings are not transparent, open for all to have their say and are inviting mostly “Yes” voters to manipulate the outcome of the meetings to further push their agenda.

– National Meetings shutting us out
Please try get along to these meetings. 

Silence  is considered consent so we have to make noise. Even if it’s outside the meetings with some protest banners, bring your kids, mums, dads, aunties, uncles, grandparents, elders, cousins and friends to one of these assimilation authorisation meetings and let them know #NoConsent


10. Write to the Referendum Council members copying and pasting from our letter provided through the link. The members are: Co-Chaired by Ms Pat Anderson AO and Mr Mark Leibler AC. The other members of the Referendum Council are Professor Megan Davis, Mr Andrew Demetriou, Mr Murray Gleeson AC, Mr Mick Gooda, Mr Stan Grant, Ms Tanya Hosch, Professor Kristina Keneally, Ms Jane McAloon, Mr Michael Rose AM, Ms Natasha Stott Despoja AM, Mr Noel Pearson, Ms Amanda Vanstone, Ms Dalassa Yorkston and Dr Galarrwuy Yunupingu AM. The former Co-Chair, Professor Patrick Dodson, resigned as a Member of the Council on 2 March 2016.

11. You can also upload a video message or picture of yourself holding a sign with #VoteNoToConstitutionalChange to the Vote No to Constitutional Changes’ Facebook page
12. Share posts and keep the conversation going.
Vote No to Constitutional Changed 

Facebook Page:

How To Make Your Vote Count On The Upcoming Referendum for Constitutional Change

Smart Mob say “No Consent” To the Recognise Scam.

Don’t Let the Government hijack our Lands, Culture and Sovereignty for free!
See our urgent message stick 
Summary of the concerns raised for the coming Referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in The British Act of Parliament called the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
1. Acquiring jurisdiction 

– Acquiring Jurisdiction to apply Laws to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People is being sought through Section 51:xxvi and a so called consent process through the pathway of a Referendum. This pathway to Jurisdiction is an attempt to bypass a Treaty.

– Section 51:xxvi 

This law was designed for Alien races which means that anyone who is not an Australian citizen was considered alien and therefore foreign.  

– Consent from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People is being sought through The Referendum Council who “will advise the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition on progress and next steps towards a referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution.”
2. Control

– Right of consent for laws impacting us are removed

– Self determination will be forfeited and replaced with a Government Authority on all matters affecting Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander People.
3. Impacts

– Land desecration

– Land acquisition transferred to Government

– Sacred sites desecration

– Cultural Breaches

– Human Rights Breaches

– Higher incarceration

– Forced Assimilation
4. Binding Laws

– Recognition is a binding law due to the fact of the recognise definition which in The Black Laws Dictionary (Recognizance) means to enter into a bond 

– Recognition will be binding. The legislations will be binding.

Ways you can get proactive and have your voice heard no matter where u are:
1. Take it to the Streets – hand out info

2. Print posters to pin to noticeboards in your area

3. Print pamphlets to hand to family and friends

4. Buy merchandise

5. Sign the petition

6. Add your name to the declaration of opposition

7. Join the online protests by changing your profile picture to support Vote No 

8. Turn up and make some noise at the national meetings

9. Fill in the online survey and send these fullas a message that we do not want to be recognised.

10. Write to the Referendum Council members copying and pasting from our letter provided through the link. The members are:  Co-Chaired by Ms Pat Anderson AO and Mr Mark Leibler AC. The other members of the Referendum Council are Professor Megan Davis, Mr Andrew Demetriou, Mr Murray Gleeson AC, Mr Mick Gooda, Mr Stan Grant, Ms Tanya Hosch, Professor Kristina Keneally, Ms Jane McAloon, Mr Michael Rose AM, Ms Natasha Stott Despoja AM, Mr Noel Pearson, Ms Amanda Vanstone, Ms Dalassa Yorkston and Dr Galarrwuy Yunupingu AM. The former Co-Chair, Professor Patrick Dodson, resigned as a Member of the Council on 2 March 2016.

11. You can also upload a video message or picture of yourself holding a sign with #VoteNoToConstitutionalChange to the Vote No to Constitutional Changes’ Facebook page

12. Share posts and keep the conversation going.

Vote No to Constitutional Change Facebook Page

Letter to each member of the Referendum Council

Co-Chaired by Ms Pat Anderson AO and Mr Mark Leibler AC. The other members of the Referendum Council are Professor Megan Davis, Mr Andrew Demetriou, Mr Murray Gleeson AC, Mr Mick Gooda, Mr Stan Grant, Ms Tanya Hosch, Professor Kristina Keneally, Ms Jane McAloon, Mr Michael Rose AM, Ms Natasha Stott Despoja AM, Mr Noel Pearson, Ms Amanda Vanstone, Ms Dalassa Yorkston and Dr Galarrwuy Yunupingu AM. The former Co-Chair, Professor Patrick Dodson.

Dear member,

First and foremost it is going against the old law to speak on behalf of other people and their land. 

The Constitutional Reform debate to Recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people has be ongoing from as early as 1965.

In a nutshell, Constitutional Recognition is all about trying to apply laws to Aboriginal people and target laws specifically to our race.

The fact that ‘Aboriginal’ people are not on the Constitution protects us from Discriminative Laws in which the Constitution has power to enforce with any race.  

Once the terminology ‘Aboriginal’ is placed into the Constitution the Government can then proceed with specific laws for our race only which are discriminative for equal Citizenship Rights.

We are not Citizens of Australia if our race is not included on the Constitution although we have Citizenship rights. However, inclusion will place us at risk of the remainder of the Constitution power of targeting laws specifically for our race only.

Sir Robert Menzies in 1965 told the Government in a Parliamentary Hearing that by not having Aboriginal People on the Constitution protects them against discriminatory laws.  

Since 1967 any Legislations made for ‘Aboriginal’ people are unlawful within the Constitution.


A “Yes Vote” is a vote for Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain to be sole Sovereign over all the lands now known as Australia. It’s a way to maintain the fiction of Terra Nullius.

Summary of the concerns raised for the coming Referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in The British Act of Parliament called the Commonwealth of Australia 
Constitution Act.

1. Acquiring jurisdiction 

– Acquiring Jurisdiction to apply Laws to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People is being sought through Section 51:xxvi and a so called consent process through the pathway of a Referendum. This pathway to Jurisdiction is an attempt to bypass a Treaty.

– Section 51:xxvi 

This law was designed for Alien races which means that anyone who is not an Australian citizen was considered alien and therefore foreign.  

– Consent from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People is being sought through The Referendum Council who “will advise the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition on progress and next steps towards a referendum to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian Constitution.”

2. Control

– Right of consent for laws impacting us are removed

– Self determination will be forfeited and replaced with a Government Authority on all matters affecting Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander People.

3. Impacts

– Land desecration

– Land acquisition transferred to Government

– Sacred sites desecration

– Cultural Breaches

– Human Rights Breaches

– Higher incarceration

– Forced Assimilation

4. Binding Laws

– Recognition is a binding law due to the fact of the recognise definition which in The Black Laws Dictionary (Recognizance) means to enter into a bond 

– Recognition will be binding. The legislations will be binding.


The Government lied to you last Referendum and they are lying to you again!

All Australians Voted ‘yes’ to enable ‘Interventions’ and not Citizenship for Aboriginal People.

The Government lied to ALL Australians and took them as fools for deceitful purposes.

“What was Australia’s 1967 Referendum about?

There are common misconceptions about what the 1967 Referendum actually changed.

What the referendum was about?

The 1967 Referendum proposed to include Aboriginal people in the census. (only)
The 1967 Referendum proposed to allow the Commonwealth government to make laws for Aboriginal people. (Future Interventions)

What the 1967 Referendum was not about?

The 1967 Referendum did not give Aboriginal people the right to vote. This right was already introduced in 1962.
The 1967 Referendum did not grant them citizenship.”

Do Not Trust Government Cons such as Reconciliation and their heftily funded campaign ‘R’ ‘Recognise’.  

For this time they want to steal Sovereignty permanently.

You do not speak for me. We Vote ‘NO’ To Constitutional Change.



10 Reasons to Vote No download
See pamphlet also 
Instructions: copy message, paste into ur email and edit. Copy email addresses and copy into your address bar of the email. 

Members include

Email addresses for members of the Referendum Council

Co-Chairs Ms Pat Anderson AO c/ 

Mark Leibler AC 

The other members of the Referendum Council are Professor 

Megan Davis

Andrew Demetriou c/-

Murray Gleeson AC c/-

Mick Gooda

Stan Grant c/-

Tanya Hosch c/-

Professor Kristina Keneally c/-

Jane McAloon c/-

Michael Rose AM

Natasha Stott Despoja AM c/-

Noel Pearson c/-

Amanda Vanstone c/-

Dalassa Yorkston

Dr Galarrwuy Yunupingu AM 

The former Co-Chair Professor Patrick Dodson

Get The Full Picture 

Fight Fire with Fire – time to really support the work of our Grassroots Vote No Campaign n support our Grassroots mob who work to get the message out. Like brother Whanjullah-imbala Palm Island-bwgcolman Buddah in Sydney we need to take our message to the streets. 


We have a petition, pamphlets, 10 reasons to vote no information sheets, a callout for videos from grassroots campaigners posted on vote no page warning mob of the dangers, upcoming online protest with changing profile pics and using hashtags, speaking up at national meetings that Recognise mob organise, fill in their online form, add your name to the declaration to oppose the Recognise scam and write to all blackfullas on the R team as a group of grassroots activist telling them how we feel and maybe include info sheet and pamphlet “10 reasons to vote no”. A GoFundMe has been suggested, maybe time for paid facebooks adverts and we definitely need a song which is also in the pipeline. 

Now all we need is our grassroots lobby team to drive this…. who’s in?

Takin it to the streets – Brother Whanjullah-imbala Palm Island-bwgcolman Buddah here in the pics on the streets of Sydney

How to make your voice count

Take it to the Streets-  Just like Brother Whanjullah-imbala Palm Island-bwgcolman Buddah is doin here in the pics on the streets of Sydney. Maybe during a market in ur area or the busiest day of the week, set up with posters and info and just spread the message. 

2. Print posters to pin to noticeboards in your area
Vote No To Constitutional Recognition Pamphlet– click to download 

3. Print pamphlets to hand to family and friends –

Sydney Supporter

Brother Whanjullah-imbala Palm Island-bwgcolman Buddah

Your shop for all your Vote No Merch
4. Buy merchandise to get the message heard and to support the Grassroots Campaign to Vote No:

5. Sign the petition 

6. Or if your like us and whole heartedly oppose the tribes being skull dragged under the crown, add your name to the declaration of opposition – 

7. Join the online protests by using this as your profile picture with hashtag in caption:


Please help us make some noise using what we have and make this pic your profile pic. We need everyone if we are going to get the message out of the dangers of this multi million dollar Government campaig callled Recognise.
National Meetings shutting us out

8. Turn up and make some noise at the national meetings. Please make some protest banners and bring your kids, mums, dads, aunties, uncles, grandparents, elders, cousins and friends to one of these assimilation authorisation meetings and let them know #NoConsent

Broome 10-12 February 2017

Dubbo 17-19 February 2017

Darwin 22-24 February 2017

Perth 3-5 March 2017

Sydney 10-12 March 2017

Melbourne 17-19 March 2017

Cairns 24-26 March 2017

Ross River 31 March – 2 April 2017

Adelaide 7-9 April 2017

Brisbane 21-23 April 2017

Torres Strait 5-7 May 2017

Uluru – National Convention 24-26 May 

2017 Referendum for Constitutional Recognition – This is a clear message, the government has no jurisdiction and have no consent from the tribes.

See our urgent message stick here
Please download Vote ‘NO’ To Constitutional Change pamphlet to print out and hand around.

And please warn everybody about what the dangers of assimilation without rights are.

1. Print page 1 on the front

2. Print page 2 on the back

3. Fold into 3 sections

4. Hand around
Download file here 

Make your voice count!

9. Everyone please click on this link and send these guys a message that we do not want to be recognised!

Then screenshot and upload and tag Vote ‘NO’ To Constitutional Change

Then hashtag #GetTheFullPicture #No to #Recognise  #VoteNo #VoteNoToConstitutionalChange

Make Big Noise outside the meetings if they refuse to let you in to the meetings in your area. 

10: Write to the Referendum Council members and let them know we do not consent to them speaking on behalf of us and give the reasons why we are voting no to the Con. Co-Chaired by Ms Pat Anderson AO and Mr Mark Leibler AC. The other members of the Referendum Council are Professor Megan Davis, Mr Andrew Demetriou, Mr Murray Gleeson AC, Mr Mick Gooda, Mr Stan Grant, Ms Tanya Hosch, Professor Kristina Keneally, Ms Jane McAloon, Mr Michael Rose AM, Ms Natasha Stott Despoja AM, Mr Noel Pearson, Ms Amanda Vanstone, Ms Dalassa Yorkston and Dr Galarrwuy Yunupingu AM. The former Co-Chair, Professor Patrick Dodson, resigned as a Member of the Council on 2 March 2016.

11. You can also upload a video message or picture of yourself holding a sign with #VoteNoToConstitutionalChange to the Vote No to Constitutional Changes’ Facebook page –

A little about page admin Kaiyu Moura (Bayles)

Now living in QLD raising her children on their traditional country, gathering food, learning the old art of building shelters, dance and the local language. For the past 20 years with her late Grandmother Maureen Watson and a dance group with 6 of her sisters Kaiyu travelled schools, festivals, events etc sharing the beauty of First Nations Culture through song and dance, stories, art, theatre, nursery rhymes, poetry etc and engaging all ages in different projects that inspire positive change. Also a poet, documentary maker, songwriter, artist, event organiser, media consultant, testing the waters of micro social enterprise by starting her own tshirt and sublimation printing business and with her own label, Kaiyu creates what she calls Freedom Threads.

After building their own home on Tribal Sovereign land, Kaiyu is now homeschooling and teaching the kids about making our own tinctures, learning about bushtucker and mushrooms, growing food, building with aircrete, setting up wind turbines, composting toilets and ram water pumps... Really learning what it truly means to thrive. This is our Group where we share alot of what we do

Kaiyu and the Tribe